Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our dear friend Bob rest in peace....

A few hours ago our dear friend Bob passed away. He fought a brave fight against cancer, but after much suffering lost it tonight….
We will miss him terribly. He has been a dear friend of ours since I first came to America many years ago.
He had such a sunny disposition and took everything life handed him in stride. He always said” it is what it is…”
He made our time in Florida so happy. My husband will miss him so much. They shared so many things.
We must solve this horrible suffering caused by cancer.!!!!
They are so close and it is so upsetting that funding stands in the way. It again comes down to money…
I will give it my last breath to help to get rid of this horrible disease. I promise you that Bob...
I made the start with
I know you are in a good place now. We will always love you and never forget you….

1 comment:

  1. Die Welt, Freund Govinda, ist nicht unvollkommen, oder auf einem langsamen Weg zur Vollkommenheit begriffen: nein, sie ist in jedem Augenblick vollkommen, alle Sünde trägt schon die Gnade in sich, alle kleinen Kinder haben schon den Greis in sich, alle Säuglinge den Tod, alle Sterbenden das ewige Leben.

    Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
