Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Hope for Breast cancer prevention and recurrance prevention...

I am so thrilled to be able to share with you the exclusive interview that Dr. Czerniecki granted Pennies in Action to explain in his own words what his research is all about.
Please share it with all your friends , because you never know who needs to have this information…
I am always interested in your comments …

(Dr. Czerniecki,Pam Keon, Uschi Keszler)


  1. Due to technical problems I couldn't watch the whole vid. Anyway, Dr Czerniecki sounds very convincing. And - very important for me, and for patients I think - he seems to be a nice guy.

  2. He truely is. He was my surgeon and I had so much trust in him from the first moment I met him. Before him I had had a terrible experience with a doctor. So I really appreciate him. The nurses at Penn call him the "brainiac"...
